If you were not able to be present for worship or live stream the service, I encourage you to take the time to listen to his sermon on our website. He provided a powerful message challenging us as Christians and specifically for us as Woodland Forest Church, to take the next steps to continue pursuing justice at all levels and specifically racial justice.
His message was incredibly rich and complex, but one of the takeaways that I received from the message was incredibly simple and tangible . . . be a friend. Be a friend not just to people that are like you in appearance, status, and beliefs, but be intentional to also be a friend to those who are hurting, different, marginalized, hungry, and in need. Because when we are able to be a friend, we allow ourselves to stop seeing all of our differences and begin to see the person (created in the same image of God as we are, equally a child of God as we are). Simply, just be a friend.
That is my challenge, start making new friends and in small steps and increments we will begin to address the issues of race and injustice. We don’t have to fix the entire problem today, but there will never be a better place to begin than now.